German Catholics Must Help Muslim Migrants Integrate into Society More

    The Catholic Church in Germany must help Muslim migrants integrate into society, but the Church also can learn from these recent newcomers, said the general secretary of the German bishops’ working group on relations with Muslims. “We can learn a lot from the Muslims: about piety, about hospitality or about the education of children within the family,” said the bishops’ official, Peter Hunseler, during the German Catholic Church assembly last week. The assembly’s Christian-Muslim dialogue program sponsored more than 30 events about understanding Islam and relations between Catholics and Muslims. The Christian-Muslim events often took up the main theme of the Katholikentag, “Justice in the Sight of God,” and included a series on common approaches to justice for women and homosexuals. The center also offered early morning mysticism, joint Christian-Muslim Bible study, midday services, study sessions in the afternoon and cultural events in the early evening.

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