Piglet’s Tale not Anti-Semitic: Germany OK’s Controversial Children’s Book

    The German government has cleared a controversial children’s book of charges that it is anti-Semitic. The decision clears the way for the printing of a fourth edition of the book, “‘Which Way to God?’ Asked the Piglet.'” The German government announced Thursday that a controversial children’s book critical of major world religions will not be banned. The book is called “‘Which Way to God?’ Asked the Piglet'” and was seen by some to be overly critical of Judaism. Author Michael Schmidt-Salomon and illustrator Helge Nyncke had been accused of anti-Semitic depictions in the book. Specifically, the image of an angry rabbi led some to raise concerns that Judaism was lampooned more harshly than the other two religions treated in the book. But the Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons ruled that the book is equally critical of Christianity, Islam and Judaism, and should not be classified as anti-Semitic.

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