Obama invites the Spanish Junta Islámica to a Muslim entrepreneurs summit

The Junta Islámica and the Instituto Halal has received an invitation from the Obama Administration for a Muslim management summit. This meeting is related to the Cairo Speech given by Obama last year, where he announced his proposal to empower such types of encounters. The meeting will be held by 115 Muslim managers of several different countries and businesses.

The Junta Islámica (http://www.juntaislamica.org), created in the year 1989, is an association located in Andalucía (Cordoba), and composed mainly of Spanish converts to Islam. Its President, Mansur Escudero, was also the President of F.E.E.R.I. (Federación Española de Entidades Religiosas Islámicas) until 2002 (when he was replaced by Abdelkarim Carrasco) and Secretary General of C.I.E. (Comisión Islámica de España) until 2006.

Junta Islámica created the Instituto Halal (http://www.institutohalal.com/) with the purpose of developing those issues related to Islamic food supply in Spain (and abroad). Today this institute is the only one in Spain to have developed a Halal Food Certificate (Halal Guarantee Brand of the Junta Islámica). Junta Islámica also created the Islam-related news website Webislam (http://www.webislam.com/).

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