America’s Sharia Hysteria

. . .When [Nevada?s Republican Senatorial candidate Sharron] Angle
suggested last week that certain American cities like Dearborn, Michigan
and Frankford, Texas, have been taken over by a “militant terrorist
situation” wherein Muslims have instituted Sharia law upon its
residents, many people were left scratching their heads at what she
could possibly have meant.

It’s not just that Dearborn is – last anyone checked – still under the
purview of the United States Constitution, or that there is no place in
America called Frankford, Texas (I?m not kidding, look it up). It?s the
rather bizarre notion that there may be a city in this country where the
Constitution does not apply. “It seems to me there is something
fundamentally wrong with allowing a foreign system of law to even take
hold in any municipality or government situation in our United States,”
Angle said about the real Dearborn and the imaginary Frankford.

Angle is right. There is something fundamentally wrong with this
idea?it?s not true. There is no city or municipality in this country
where Islamic law has taken hold. And yet, Angle is not the only one
sounding the alarm over an imminent Muslim takeover of America. Indeed,
now that the screeching over the building of the Islamic Community
Center in Lower Manhattan seems to have died down, a new battle cry is
arising from the radical anti-Muslim fringe: American Muslims, they say,
are trying to replace the Constitution with Sharia!

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