Islamophobia within the British Conservative party: The Inquiry Findings

Having faced extensive criticism in regards to their failure in tackling Islamophobia within the organisation, an independent inquiry was launched at the end of 2019 in order to investigate increasing allegations against the British Conservative party. However, two of those appointed to lead the inquiry, Professor Swaran Singh (inquiry chair) and Wasiq Wasiq, were openly…

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How Australian Muslims understand, interpret and express Islam

Over the last two decades, a number of surveys have been conducted to capture the views and opinions of Muslims in the West, including North America, Europe and Australia. They have examined religious identity, beliefs, views on social and political issues, as well as experiences of islamophobia and integration. The Islam in Australia study was…

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New study compares sensitivity of “everyday” Muslim and Jewish People in the UK towards Islamophobia and Antisemitism

A recent study has compared the attitudes of “everyday” Muslim and Jewish people in the United Kingdom, on their understanding and sensitivity to Islamophobia and Antisemitism. It is the first know study to compare the two using statistics. Nearly 1,500 Jewish people were shown statements designed to reflect anti-Semitic attitudes, while 1,000 Muslim respondents were…

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Pew Research Center survey reveals insights into relationship between Christian identity and views regarding Muslims

A survey from the Pew Research Center has reveals insights into the relationship between Christian identity and views regarding religious minorities and immigrants. Christian identity in Europe “is associated with higher levels of negative sentiment towards immigrants and religious minorities” as “self-identified Christians – whether they attend church or not – are more likely than religiously unaffiliated people to express negative views of immigrants, as well as of Muslims and Jews”.

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SETA’s European Islamophobia Report states Islamophobia statistics reveal only the ‘tip of the iceberg’

The report states that most instances of Islamophobia go unreported, and calls on nation-states and the international community to do more to tackle the structurally-ingrained phenomenon.

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