Muslim Feminism: A Seminar on Saturday May 4, 2013

At 2:30pm on Friday and 9:30am on Saturday May 3rd and 4th, the Life non-profit organization, the Department of Political and gender culture, the Association of plural femininism and CGIL Ravenna will support a seminar on “the Feminist Muslim” in the Muratori Classense library. The seminar aims to analyze the main paradigms of thought focusing…

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    The Catalan Islamic Council Warns of the Dangers of Connecting Politics and Terrorism

    The Catalan Islamic Council claims that the overlap between politics and so-called Islamic terrorism in Catalonia and the association of Islam and violence by authorities foments the radicalization of the youth sectors of the Islamic community. The Catalan Islamic Council’s president, Abdennur Prado, believes that the declarations of a police syndicate group stating the proliferation…

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      Muslim feminists assert the right to control their bodies

      Pour Siham Drissi, Fran’aise d’origine marocaine, 28 ans, le combat f’ministe est l’avenir de l’islam. Les f’ministes musulmanes ne vont pas “descendre dans la rue pour br’ler leurs soutiens-gorge”, dit-elle, mais c’est bien la libre disposition de leur corps qu’elles ont r’clam’e lors du congr’s qui a r’uni ‘ Barcelone, du 3 au 5 novembre,…

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