Living The Muslim Atlantic: Gender

Introduction This report—the second of two produced by the British Council Bridging Voices project on ‘The Muslim Atlantic’— represents an analytic synthesis and presentation of insights arising from two workshops organized by the project in 2019 and 2020. The rest of these convenings focused on the question of how debates and discussions about gender compare…

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Influential U.S. Imam faces criticism for his comments on the allegations against Kavanaugh

The Muslim-American co-founder of Zaytuna College in Berkeley, California, Imam Zaid Shakir, has faced backlash for his now-deleted post on Facebook which suggested Sharia law should be applied in judging whether Dr Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations against Brett Kavanaugh are credible.

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#MosqueMeToo gives Muslim women space to discuss sexual assault in Muslim sacred spaces

The columnist and gender activist, Mona Eltahawy, started the #MosqueMeToo movement to encourage women to share their experiences of sexual harassment and assault on the hajj and in other Islamic spaces. The movement opens the #MeToo movement up to Muslim women.

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