Sorbonne: Salle Louis Liard 17 rue de la Sorbonne, 75005 Paris
European Muslims and the Secular State in a Comparative Perspective
NOCRIME CONFERENCE – Organized with the Sponsorship of the European Commission (DG Research)
MONDAY, JUNE 30, 2003
I. Modes of Interaction in Non-Muslim Societies
President Patrick Michel CNRS/CERI, EHESS, France
Discussant: Tuula Sakaranaho University of Helsinki, Finland
Jonas Otterbeck Silence and Speech in the Muslim Groups in Sweden Malmö University, Sweden
Lars Dencik Jewish Life in Sweden Roskilde University, Denmark
Philip Lewis Beyond Victimhood – from the Global to the Local: a British Case Study Bradford University, UK
II. Muslim Leadership and Institutional Constraints in Europe
President Jean-Paul Willaime EPHE, Director of GSRL (CNRS-EPHE), France
Discussant: Martin Van Bruinessen ISIM, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Séan McLoughlin Islam, Citizenship and Civil Society: New Muslim Leaderships in the UK Leeds University, UK
Valérie Amiraux Building Religious Authorities among Muslims in Europe: Some Case Studies from Germany and France CURAPP-CNRS, France
Nico Landman New Policies on Foreign Imams in the Netherlands Utrecht University, The Netherlands
III. Religious Authorities in the Global Era: Ethnicity and Diasporas
President Sami Zemni University of Ghent, Belgium
Discussant: Jonathan Friedman EHESS, France
Jocelyne Cesari Muslim Leadership in Europe: What Connections with the Umma? GSRL-CNRS, Harvard University, NOCRIME coordinator, France/USA
Sébastien Fath Transnational Dimension of Evangelical Movements CNRS/GSRL, France
Yngve Lithman, Transnational Radicalism and Muslim Diasporas University of Bergen, Norway
Garbi Schmidt Formation of Transnational Identities among Young Muslims in Denmark Danish National Institute of Social Research, Denmark
IV. Islam and European Urban Life
President: Tariq Ramadan University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Discussant: Jose Casanova New School University, USA
Chantal Saint-Blancat/Ottavia Schmidt di Friedberg Visibility of Muslims in Italy and Communication Issues University of Padova, University of Trieste, Italy
Gema Martin-Munoz Mapping the Muslim Leadership in Spanish Urban Centers (Madrid and Barcelona) Autonoma University of Madrid, Spain
Dilwar Hussain Muslims in British Cities: Are they Different from Other Migrants? The Islamic Foundation, UK