Denmark: Danish PM To Meet With New “Democratic Muslims” Group
A movement in response to the storm of protest that erupted after the publishing of the Danish caricatures of Mohammed has been started by a group of Danish MPs, among whom there are several Turks. The movement, called “The Democratic Muslim Foundation,” is being headed up by ethnically Lebanese Danish citizen Naser Khader, who is the leader of the Radikal party. At the forefront of the new group are also three ethnically Turkish politicians, Omer Kuscu, Yildiz Akdogan, and Gulay Sahin. Danish Prime Minister Anders Rasmussen is expected to meet with the group today. Commenting on the goals of the “Democratic Muslim Foundation,” founding member Akdogan said “There was a huge media disruption and a lot of misinformation following the caricature episode here in Denmark. We wanted to form a group in response to this, and to show the Danish people that there are in fact democractic Muslims.”