Terror Swoops: Britain on High Alert
GORDON Brown warned terror warlords yesterday that Britain “will not yield” to their evil. The new Prime Minister said the nation was united in its determination to carry on as normal – even if bombings go on for YEARS. Pledging to do all in his power to protect the public, he declared defiantly: “We will not yield. We will not be intimidated. “And we will not allow anyone to undermine our British way of life.” Mr Brown spoke as the country moved up to “critical” alert, meaning another attack was expected “imminently”. Police were taking no risks at London City Airport, levelling their guns at four suspects who fled a roadside checkpoint. Cops in a car and a van forced their green Hyundai into a lay-by. One man tried to run but was tripped and handcuffed. Six more police vans and five more cars were on the scene in seconds…