East London Muslims Caged Guantanamo-Style

Two British Muslims are being locked-up in a cage, chained and hooded for 6 days and nights without basic amenities and comfort in a busy traffic junction corner on the Whitechapel Road (East London). Hidden Detainees, the organisers behind the event, hope to recreate the barbaric conditions of the Guantanamo Bay (Camp X-Ray) camp in Cuba, where over 775 suspects from around the world were illegally held as part of America’s _War on Terror’. The notorious Camp X-Ray has received worldwide condemnation for operating outside the law, with record numbers of prisoners committing suicide and going on extensive hunger strikes.http://themuslimweekly.com/fullstoryview.aspx?NewsID=89F929DA5BC9E88A0A4BE9C9&MENUID=HOMENEWS&DESCRIPTION=UK%20News

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