‘Lyrical terrorist’ given suspended sentence

The first woman to be convicted under new terror legislation was spared a jail term after the judge said her actions were “on the margins” of what constitutes a crime by handing a suspended sentence. Samina Malik, 23, who compiled a “library” of jihadi-inspired manuals and wrote poetry extolling martyrdom using the pen name “Lyrical Terrorist”, was found guilty earlier this month under Section 58 of the Terrorism Act 2000 which makes it a crime to have materials “likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism”. Malik, who worked in a stationery shop at Heathrow airport, was given a nine-month jail term, suspended for 18 months, and was ordered to carry out community service [Full-text here.->http://themuslimweekly.com/fullstoryview.aspx?NewsID=D083DE079C082F44FF04CE80&MENUID=HOMENEWS&DESCRIPTION=UK%20News

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