Archbishop of Canterbury tries to defuse row over sharia law but refuses to apologize

The Archbishop of Canterbury has sought to defuse the bitter row over what he appeared to claim was the unavoidable adoption of sharia law in the UK by conceding that his controversial comments may have been unclear and “clumsily deployed”. Whilst taking full responsibility for his part in the highly damaging episode, which resulted in

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Archbishop of Canterbury Pleads for Islamic Law

With his plea for recognition of the Muslim legal system in Britain, the archbishop of Canterbury has outraged his people. In doing so, he has driven a wedge into the center of a passionate national debate. He should have known what he was getting into. Rowan Williams, 57, the archbishop of Canterbury, is an educated

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Florida Attorney General agrees to Muslim advisory group

Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum met behind closed doors with leaders from the Muslim Public Affairs Council in Los Angeles, angry over his having shown a film to employees during office hours, called by the council’s leaders as anti-Muslim propaganda. Both sides emerged from the meeting citing it as positive. McCollum has also agreed to

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Jews want to act against Muslim broadcaster incitement

Arab satellite broadcastings that can be received in Belgium may convey messages of anti-Semitism and terrorism themes, and many in Belgium’s Jewish community have written complaints. Flemish minister Geert Bourgeois is taking the complaints seriously, and stated though a spokesperson that in our own media law it clearly says that broadcasters may not broadcast programs

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Denmark: Islamic terror suspects seized over plot to murder ‘Mohammad’ cartoonist

Danish police arrested at least three people today in a terror plot to kill one of the 12 cartoonists behind the Prophet Mohammad drawings that sparked an uproar in the Muslim world and in Britain two years ago, authorities said. One of the three was a Dane of Moroccan descent, and two were Tunisian. The

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