Nine year-old boy named Islam Screened Out of Television Program
Nine year-old Islam Alaouchiche dreamed of participating in his favorite television program In Ze Bo_teon Gulli, a French children’s television channel. While he was pre-selected by Angel Productions to participate, those responsible for casting informed the boy and his mother that his first name was problematic and might shock viewers. Islam’s mother, Farah Alaouchiche, claims they told her that Having the name Islam is like wearing a veil for a girl. The program also allegedly requested that Islam use another first name for the program like Mohammed or Sofiane, which they felt would work better. Ms. Alaouchiche has sought advice from several community associations, including the Mouvement contre le racisme et pour l’amitie entre les peoples (MRAP, or The Movement Against Racism and for Friendship Among Peoples) and the Haute Autorit_ de lutte contre les discriminations et pour l’egalite (HALDE, or the Authority Fighting against Discrimination and for Equality).