Mosque site hunt over

A new mosque could be built in Cambridge for the city’s growing number of worshippers. The Abu Bakr Jamia Mosque has outgrown its home in Mawson Road, which originally welcomed 200 people to Friday prayers, but last year more than 700 were turning up, with latecomers having to pray in the street. Now the Muslim Academic Trust, in partnership with the Cambridge Muslim Welfare Society, has bought the former Robert Sayle warehouse in Mill Road, which would be demolished to make way for a new mosque. Mohammed Mahmood, a member of the mosque, said it was time a purpose-built facility was developed in the city as groups had been looking for an appropriate site for years. Mr Mahmood said: “There are about 4,000 Muslims in Cambridge now, and they have been using temporary prayer areas, but there has never been a proper mosque. “Cambridge is a growing city, and we wanted to find somewhere in the city centre so the people living around the area could benefit from it. “At the moment, when it rains, people are just getting wet when they come to pray, and we have been looking for a site for a long time now.”

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