Dutch cartoonist arrested on suspicion of violating hate speech laws with artwork

    A Dutch cartoonist who works under the pseudonym ‘Gregarius Nekschot’ was arrested for publishing insulting cartoons targeting Muslims and the Islamic religion. The cartoonist’s real name has not been released, fearing his safety may be jeopardized. Judicial authorities in Amsterdam said that the cartoonist was arrested as a suspect for publishing cartoons which are discrimination for Muslims and people with dark skin. Following his arrest, the artist’s home was searched for discriminating evidence; his computer, backups, mobile phone, and a number of drawings were confiscated from the searches. Nekschot was released two days after his arrest, but his troubles may not be over. It is possible that he will be charged following a 2005 complaint by the Dutch imam Abdul Jabbar van de Ven, a Dutchman who converted to Islam. Nekschot’s work is cited as often rude, sexually explicit, and extremely controversial.

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