Police pay £100,000 in damages for ‘Undercover Mosque’ footage

Channel 4’s Dispatches programme was awarded _100,000 in court on Wednesday from police after they were falsely accused of faking TV footage. _Undercover Mosque’ won a public apology from West Midlands police service in the High Court in addition to a six figure settlement. A press release issued by police and the CPS in August last year claimed that the Dispatches programme misrepresented the views of Muslim preachers and clerics recorded undercover. Police reported Channel 4 to TV watchdog Ofcom for “heavily editing” the words of Islamic imams to give them more sinister meaning in Dispatches: Undercover Mosque – isolating five instances in particular. After investigating, Ofcom rejected the complaints in a decision published in November 2007. Police spent around _14,000 on the investigation, which first looked at whether three of the individuals shown in the programme could be prosecuted for inciting terrorism or racial hatred. But then they announced offences may have been committed by Channel 4, specifically in stirring up racial hatred. Muslim Weekly->http://themuslimweekly.com/newsdetails/fullstoryview.aspx?NewsID=571A48FD761E353E26DF659F&MENUID=HOMENEWS&DESCRIPTION=UK%20News [Guardian Online->http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2008/may/15/channel4.television1?gusrc=rss&feed=uknews

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