Just 50 allowed in to mosque inquiry

The public gallery at an inquiry over Dudley’s controversial _18million mosque plans will be limited to just 50 seats. Those who want to be at the hearing, scheduled to start on June 10 at 10am and last four-days, are now being urged to arrive early for a seat. The inquiry is being held after Dudley Muslim Association lodged an appeal against the council’s decision to reject their plans for for a mosque and community centre on derelict land in Hall Street. A total of 70 petitions containing more than 22,000 signatures have been handed to the council from people protesting against the plans. There is expected to be scores of people vying to be in the public gallery but the council will have to turn some away. People wishing to speak during the course of the inquiry are also warned they need to contact the council by June 7 to register their intention or they will not be allowed to have their voice heard. Dudley Council spokesman Phil Parker said: “The inspectorate, however, makes it clear that if there are several people with the same views a spokesperson should be appointed to speak on behalf of the others to avoid repetition of arguments.” At the start of the inquiry the inspector will outline the formal procedure. The barrister appointed by Dudley Muslim Association will make a number of opening remarks followed by the council’s barrister. Witnesses for both parties will give evidence and will be open to cross examination. After closing statements, the inspector will close the inquiry and then carry out a site visit, during which there will be no further discussion.http://themuslimweekly.com/newsdetails/fullstoryview.aspx?NewsID=5E054DF78C183F2420D2E0C6&MENUID=HOMENEWS&DESCRIPTION=UK%20News

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