Muslim leaders’ back nationwide hunt for next faith leaders
Britain’s next generation of faith leaders are to be talent-spotted and offered free places on a specially designed _11,000 per head leadership course. It will backed by – amongst others – Dr Musharraf Hussain, the Imam and Director of Karimia Institute, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Chief Rabbi and the President of the Hindu Forum of Britain. The course entitled Faith in Leadership has been developed by some of the leading thinkers in the fields of leadership and human resources, and in conjunction with organisations representing the main British religious movements including Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs. Participants will be readied to become inspirational leaders within and beyond their own communities. It is based on the recognition that effective faith leaders can have a profound impact on very large numbers of people. It aims to channel this influence to build social cohesion and tackle anti-social behaviour. Dr Musharraf Hussain, who is one of the project’s patrons, said he was delighted to be supporting the initiative. “I believe [it] has a crucial role to play both in ensuring effective future leadership for Muslims and building bridges between Britain’s many and diverse religious communities.”