Triumph for man over mosque

A man has won a long-fought battle with Havering Council and has been granted permission to continue using his bungalow as a mosque. A public inquiry has ruled that Kamal Siddiqui, 57, should be allowed to use the home in Lessington Road, Romford, for Friday prayers. Three Conservative councillors – Robert Benham, Fred Osborne and

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Fury at Bin Laden Lego-style toys

A range of LEGO-style fighting figures – including Osama bin Laden – has sparked outrage among Muslims. The tiny figures – decked out as a follower of 9/11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden – have a removeable mask and are kitted out with a rocket launcher. A Muslim youth organisation condemned the toys for “satirising murder”.

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Man convicted for racial abuse of pharmacist

A man has been convicted of racially abusing a Muslim pharmacist who refused to sell him the morning after pill on “ethical” grounds. Chris Mellett, 29, and Kaye Walsh, 36, had gone to Sainburys pharmacy in Ashton late on a Sunday afternoon to buy the pill after their usual form of contraception failed on Friday

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NY Jewish leaders asked to repudiate columnist’s call to ‘kill’ Muslims

The New York Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) asked local Jewish leaders to repudiate a columnist for a Jewish newspaper who called for the killing of innocent Muslims. In the commentary in the 5 Towns Jewish Times, titled “The Appropriate Response to Terror,” Lawrence Kulak wrote: They killed our innocents, and unless

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British Muslims must follow law of the land: Sir Ghulam Noon

Muslims settling down in the UK must not demand parallel Sharia law in the country and follow the law of the land instead, leading NRIentrepreneur ‘Curry King’ Sir Ghulam Noon has said. “Those who are complaining about Sharia law, should follow the rules of the land. If you want Sharia law then go to the

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