Denmark: Professional groups slam headscarf ban
A government proposal to ban the wearing of headscarves by judges in the courtroom has received criticism from lawyers and human rights organizations, who believe the law is a direct insult to Muslim judges. The majority of parliament supports the proposal, following a debate on whether or not a headscarf in the workplace places religion ahead of duty. A flood of professional groups called the proposal as “unnecessary” and “unfortunate.” “It’s completely unnecessary to pass this law. It is precisely because judges are so well educated and schooled in law that it’s taken for granted they live up to the codex of being and appearing impartial,” said Jorgen Lougart, head of the Danish Judges Association. However, justice minister Brian Mikkelsen said that the proposal sought to ensure that there would not be any doubt concerning the judge’s political or religious neutrality. Review of the proposal is ongoing and still in the decision process.