FBI claims Canadian held at Guantanamo Bay, Omar Khadr, testifies inaccurately

An FBI agent’s testimony that the Canadian Omar Khadr currently held at Guantanamo Bay, said he saw Maher Arar in Afghanistan appeared significantly weaker than it did previously – and, in the case of at least one key detail, at odds with reality.

Robert Fuller, a prosecution witness in the Pentagon’s Guantanamo Bay case against Mr. Khadr, testified on Monday that then-15-year-old Mr. Khadr, during an October 2002 interrogation at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan, identified a photo of Mr. Arar and said he had seen him in a Kabul safe house run by an alleged terrorist. But defense lawyers yesterday produced a report written by Mr. Fuller in which he states that Mr. Khadr told him he saw Mr. Arar in Afghanistan in September or October of 2001. Mr. Arar was in Canada in October, 2001, as the Arar commission’s findings clearly show. U.S. authorities also know he was in California the previous month.

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