American blogger coordinates donations to honor Aqsa Parvez
Aqsa Parvez was killed more than a year ago and has been buried in Lot 17 of Brampton, Ontario’s Meadowvale Cemetery, where she’s listed as No. 774. It has yet to be proven in court that Parvez was the victim of a cultural honour killing, but it has been well-reported that both her father and brother are currently before the courts facing first-degree murder in what Peel Police have described as a “planned and deliberate act.”
Pamela Geller from New York City has set up a pay-pal system and started taking up a collection — starting with her own $180 donation – to create a public memorial for Parvez. So far $4,000 US has been raised and a small stone has been designed with the inscription “Loved, Remembered, Free” under her name and dates of birth and of death.
The Meadowvale Cemetery has indicated the family does not wish to accept the money and will handle the grave site however they see fit. Geller says suggestions of buying a separate plot or erecting a memorial were also rejected.