Muslim Manifest against Muslim Manifest

Muhammad Abdulhamid, Linda Noor and Basim Ghozlan, editors of repudiate Trond Ali Linstad’s “Muslim Manifest” of January 25.
They ask Linstad who has given him the authority to speak for Muslims in Norway, and say he represents no one but himself. The manifest, they continue, is a patchwork of incoherent statements, and most readers must understand this is meant as a provocation.

Islam is, they continue, fully consistent with democracy, and it is worth noting that the Norwegian Islamic Council (IRN) strongly has urged Muslims to participate in parliamentary elections and that this call was actively supported by a number of key mosques and Muslim organizations in Norway. This they holds as proof of a great support for democracy among Muslims in Norway and that Linstad’s condescending attitude is not representative.

They find Linstad most unclear in his account of the relationship between the Norwegian government and God’s rights. Also in this matter they second the opinion of the Islamic Council, that Muslims should relate to both God and government, and that there is no conflict between them.

Finally, as a response both to Linstad and the last couple of weeks debate on moral and social control in the neighbourhood of Grönland in Oslo they present their own, short manifest, which states that good Muslims should:

-Focus on their own religious commitments.
-Respect people with different beliefs and ways of life.
-Fulfill all their obligations to their fellow beings.
-Be reliable and an example to follow.
-Not accept injustice done against others.
-Contribute actively to community building.
-Be law-abiding.

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