Muslims and political participation in Europe
Papers are invited for an international conference to be jointly organized by:
– the EurIslam network, based at the University of Strasbourg – http://www.eurislam.info/index_EN.html
– Centre for European Islamic Thought (CEIT), at the University of Copenhagen – http://www.teol.ku.dk/english/dept/ceit_eng/
The conference will take place Wednesday to Friday 6-8 October 2010 in Copenhagen. The conference was originally planned for April 2010 but had
to be postponed due to the closure of air traffic by volcanic ash.
The conference will focus on the following overlapping and interlocking dimensions (these are not to be understood as exclusive of related
1. The processes and realities of Muslim participation in local and national politics: Voting patterns and representation in local and national assemblies; the place of Islam as an identifying factor – do candidates highlight or marginalize their ‘Muslimness’ (and what is ‘Muslim’ in this context?); the relationship between Muslim and ethnic identities in the political processes.
2. Internal Muslim debates about political participation in Europe: Attitudes of Muslims to the democratic processes; views for and against political participation in non-Muslim society; who can/should represent Muslims, or are there other priorities?
3. Public discourses about Muslim participation; political participation
as a method or consequence of integration; state policies regarding Muslim political participation; relationship between participation and citizenship; is Muslim participation welcomed or contingent on privatizing the faith?
Scholars wishing to present a paper should send an abstract and a brief CV to the address below as soon as possible and not later than 1 September 2010. The abstract will be reviewed by colleagues at Copenhagen and Strasbourg and a response will be sent as soon as possible. Authors of accepted papers will have the costs of their accommodation in Copenhagen covered but will need to cover their own travel costs.
Consideration is being given to publishing the papers after the conference. Participants who wish to have their papers considered for publication should be prepared to send the full text of the paper to the
organizers by 27 September 2010.
Paper abstracts and CVs should be sent to: [email protected]