Young men throw eggs at Danish singer medina because of her name
On Saturday June 5 the Danish singer Median gave a free concert and 15-20 young men threw eggs at her while she was performing at the stage. She stopped the music and said: “Someone has been very badly raised. I think it’s disrespectful to the people who have come here to enjoy themselves and have a good time. It’s okay that you don’t like my music, but your parents should be ashamed of you. Don’t spoil this for us who are happy and feeling good”. After the scolding Medina continued the concert and the audience applauded her consistent handling of the episode.
Apparently the young men are offended that Medina uses the name of the Prophet Muhammad’s final resting place because she is lightly dressed and sings songs with erotic undertones. Medina is not the pop star’s real name. She took it after visiting a numerologist and it has nothing to do with Islam. The Islamic Society in Denmark condemns the attack and doesn’t understand why someone would be offended by a singer who uses Medina as a stage name.
The president of “the group of fathers”, Khalid Alsubeihi, is sure that the young men are just ill-mannered brats and that the religious arguments are just an excuse for making trouble. The spokesperson from the Islamic Society in Denmark, Kraman Shah, supports this view and says that the young men are welcome to come by the mosque if they want to know what Islam is really about.