Hizb ut-Tahrir: No such thing as a ’Danish-Muslim’

October 4, 2010
At its annual conference this weekend, Islamic group Hizb ut-Tahrir called on Muslims to be proud of their faith and not label themselves as Danish Muslims, British Muslims, French Muslims etc. During the conference, themed on the Muslims’ role in the West’, the message to Muslims was that their faith should be their identity.
At the conference, Jaweed Yusuf, a member of the group, explained that it was their duty to call others to Islam, however difficult that might be and whatever consequences it might entail.
The group, which has been subject to controversy in Denmark, had invited several MP’s, whom however chose not to participate in the conference. Hizb ut-Tahrir denied rumours that its members plan to run for parliamentary election, or that it supports the use violence to achieve its goals.

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