Conservative media pushing fears about Sharia law in America

In an October 13 article, political reporter Brian Montopoli
notes that the “notion that Sharia law is coming to America has been
percolating in the conservative media for a while.” Montopoli cites
examples from Fox News’ Sean Hannity, Brian Kilmeade, and Newt Gingrich,
among others. He later reports that “fears of an outbreak of Sharia law
seem overblown at best. Even if there is somehow a serious push for the
imposition of Sharia law – or any other religious law – it would quickly
run up against the first amendment to the Constitution.”

From the article:

The notion that Sharia law is coming to America has been percolating in
the conservative media for a while. Fox News’ Sean Hannity suggested the
arrest of the Christian missionaries in Dearborn reflected the
possibility that “Sharia law is taking over in Dearborn,” as did Fox
News’ Brian Kilmeade, who interviewed one of the men who was arrested.

At the Values Voters summit in September, Newt Gingrich said – to a
standing ovation – that “[w]e should have a federal law that says Sharia
law cannot be recognized by any court in the United States.” He has also
warned that jihadists are trying “to replace Western civilization with a
radical imposition of Sharia.”

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