Call for Papers: “Multiculturalism in a Globalised Society: European Muslims, Identity and Citizenship”

Venue: Park Campus, University of Northampton,
Northampton NN2 7AL, UK

This conference gathers academics, journalists, researchers, policy makers, youth workers, civil society organisations and other members of the public to discuss issues around Muslims in Europe, identity, citizenship and belonging. It aims to address issues relating to Muslims’ engagement or disengagement with the mainstream European society; what challenges are there for their positive participation in the success of the multiculturalism model. It will also aim to map out Muslims’ use of the media and the extent to which that helps define who they are.

Conference themes:

This conference will cover (but not necessarily limited to) the following areas of enquiry:

– European or Muslim: What do Muslims in Europe believe to be their identity?

– Multiculturalism and Integration: What does this actually mean?

– Active citizenship: What does this mean in Islamic terms?

– The relationship between British Muslims and the global Muslim community – the Ummah.

– The rise of political Islam – Islamism

– Post 9/11 Radicalisation and terrorism

– New media and youth/women empowerment.

– Youth subcultures and new media, what is going on?

– What functions are the internet and satellite TV playing in engaging/disengaging Muslim communities?

Call for submissions:
Abstracts of no more than 400 words, along with a short bio should be submitted by the 15th October 2010. Papers should reflect one or more of the conference themes mentioned above. Particularly welcome are papers based on empirical work and a clear research method (s).

Submission deadlines:
Submission of abstracts: 15th October 2010
Notification of acceptance: 3rd November 2010
Submission of full papers: 26th January 2011
Selected conference papers will be published in an edited volume.

Please send all submissions and enquiries to Dr Noureddine Miladi (conference coordinator), E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +44 (0)1604 892104

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