Brain drain: Highly qualified German-Turks emigrate to Turkey

22 October 2010 Increasing numbers of highly skilled German-Turkish labourers leave Germany behind and return to their parents’ country of origin. Business people, IT professionals or engineers turn their backs at a job market that does not provide them with the same chances like their non-migrant German peers, and turn to a country they hardly

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Tromsö Mosque Debated, Again

October 24 Once again the controversy over a Mosque Muslims and others would like to see built in the town of Tromsø in Norway is making the news. The Mosque, which is planned to be built in a “Norwegian Style” have been promised funding from a private Saudi sponsor. Rather than a symbol of an

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London, Ontario Convention Centre Refuses to Host Controversial Speaker

The National Post – October 22, 2010 Organizers of an upcoming talk by conservative writer Mark Steyn planned for London, Ont., say they were muzzled by a local city-owned convention centre. A trio of bloggers who run the site inquired about booking a Nov. 1 speech for Mr. Steyn at the London Convention Centre.

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Ismaili Leader Aga Khan Celebrates Canadian Pluralism

The Toronto Star – October 15, 2010 In a world where technology and human migration push people of differing backgrounds increasingly “in each other’s face,” spiritual leader the Aga Khan hailed Canada as a country that has got pluralism right.The religious leader — imam — of the world’s 14 million Shia Ismaili Muslims praised this

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Calgary’s Naheed Nenshi becomes Canada’s first Muslim mayor

News Agencies – October 19, 2010 A grassroots campaign driven by volunteers has delivered Canada its first Muslim mayor – Mr. Nenshi, who scored a staggering win in Calgary’s mayor’s race October 18, 2010. Nenshi defeated two better-funded candidates, including one backed by Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s campaign team, and saw his support surge in

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