Canadian Justin Bieber weighs in on Ground Zero mosque
Justin Bieber was seven when 9/11 shattered North America’s sense of national security. Why, then, would the Canadian pop star weigh into the politically fraught debate about Park51, the controversial mosque under construction near Ground Zero? Andy Sullivan, the founder of the 9/11 Hard Hat Pledge — which asks construction workers to turn down any jobs on the New York City site — says Bieber spoke out in favour of the mosque. The comments were in the December issue of Tiger Beat magazine, he said. Mr. Sullivan shared the news with his two children and has banned them from attending any future Bieber concerts.
The only citations available are from, a satirical blog. “Muslims should be allowed to build a mosque anywhere they want,” the singer said. “Coming from Canada, I’m not used to this level of intolerance, eh.” Bieber went on to say that Muslims are “super cool,” Christians are “lame-o-rama,” and that the mosque will help “start a dialogue” with all religions about which Justin Bieber song is the most awesome, the site said.