2012 candidates stake out positions on sharia

Sharia law is quickly becoming a hot-button topic on the campaign trial, as conservatives debate the role of Islam in the United States and the conservative movement. The exact mechanics of how sharia, or Islamic jurisprudence, is threatening the United States are unclear, but some conservatives point to cases in New Jersey and Florida that

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Exposed: The Hate Groups Behind Anti-Islam Bills

One of the more striking things about the current anti-sharia craze is how often state legislators who introduce anti-sharia bills can’t answer basic questions about Islamic law or why they see it as a threat. How could all these legislators be so uninformed about their own bills? A big part of the reason is that

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The Hijab in Comparison across European Countries

11 April 2011 In this piece, the BBC presents different European countries’ approaches to the Islamic veil and explains the various forms of hijab, niqab and burka. The compilation was updated recently after the French face-veil ban.

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Lamya Kaddor and the Hijab

6 April 2011 In a piece for Qantara, Lamya Kaddor, scholar of Islamic studies in Germany, vividly explains why the Islamic veil in her opinion is no longer required in contemporary Germany and how it has become obsolete over time. She writes that the original purpose mentioned in the Quran (33:59), i.e. that the veil

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German Interior Minister Friedrich Opens Up to Muslims

12 April 2011 Hans-Peter Friedrich, German Minister of the Interior, has recently denied that Islam belonged to Germany. At a discussion in Regensburg, he has now began to open up to German Muslims. At the “Regensburger Religionsgespräch”, at which predecessor Wolfgang Schäuble declared in 2009 that Islam is indeed a part of Germany, Friedrich has

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