Muslim Terror Suspect Describes Violent Police Assault in Court
On Wednesday, Babar Ahmad, a British Muslim accused of raising funds for Al Qaeda, recounted how he was assaulted and mocked for his religious beliefs by police officers during an early morning raid at his home in London in December 2003. Four police officers from London’s Territorial Support Group are now accused of violently assaulting Ahmad during the arrest. As the officers had been informed about terrorist training Ahmad had received, they had feared he would resist their attempts to arrest him. Ahmad, however, was cooperative and even though he did not fight his arrest, the officers allegedly punched him and wrestled him to the floor, while swearing and shouting at him. Despite being restrained, the officers’ assaults continued. When they arrived at the station with Ahmad bruised and battered, they pretended he had violently resisted. Up to date, they deny the assault. The hearing continues.