Beniaján opens a mosque open to all people

06 May 2012

Two hundred people attended last night the launch of a communitarian center, which aims to serve those in need regardless of their religion.
The population of Beniaján, Murcia has since yesterday a mosque to receive the more than 600 Muslims estimated to be living in the area, including nearby towns such as El Bojal, San Jose de La Vega, San Jose de la Montana and Los Ramos, among other. But it also aims “to meet local people in need, regardless of their religion,” explains Ghouti Beghdadi Hamhami, president of the Islamic Community Alfirdaus, who is driving the project.
The Muslim community in the area wants to “be part of society with full integration into the village,” according to the remarks of Beghdadi Hamhami, who hopes the mosque will serve as “a space to share with neighbors in an atmosphere of cordiality and transparency demonstrating that we are not radicals or terrorists, just peaceful people, like the others. “

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