Arne Tumyr*: Shares Breivik’s Fears

June 5, 2012 SIAN (Stop Islamization of Norway) leader Arne Tumyr shares mass murderer’s Anders Breivik Behring fear of Norwegians becoming a minority in Norway. On the prosecutor’s question if he considers the attacks on youth on the Island of Utøya was barbaric. The SIAN leader said: “Yes, of course.” Tumyr has been, besides the

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The Former Norwegian Defence League Leader: – There are several types of Knights Templar

June 5, 2012 The former NDL leader, Alte took the witness stance today explaining how people who are critical of Muslims are harassed. He was a leader of the organization about a year before he reigned due to disagreement on how to distance the NDL from the terrorist attacks on July 22, 2011. ”I wanted

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