Moroccan citizen charged for inciting Jihad via Facebook
12 April 2013
The National Court judge Santiago Pedraz has released with charges the Moroccan citizen living in Ulldecona (Tarragona) who used his social network page on Facebook to spread links of videos that encouraged jihad and terrorist attacks.
As reported by legal sources, Ridouan Ben Omar, 23, will deliver the passport, will be prohibited from leaving Spain and will appear weekly at the offcial instances. He is accused of breaching Article 579 of the Penal Code, that considers as a delit “the distribution or dissemination by any means of messages or slogans designed to cause, encourage or facilitate the execution” of acts of terrorism.
The research, led by the Central Court of Instruction No. 1 of the National Court, began in the summer of 2011 following the publication on his Facebook profile of praising messages about prominent jihadi leaders like Ahmed Yassin, Hamas, or the deceased Osama Bin Laden.