Study on German-Turkish living environment
12 May
In 2012, the Liljeberg Research International Institute has conducted a representative study about the living environment of German-Turkish people in Germany. In total, 1.011 persons with Turkish origins have been asked about value and live attitudes towards Germany.
Although 27 per cent of the interviewees have been born in Germany and 39 per cent of the interviewees have been living in the Federal Republic for more than 30 years, only 15 per cent would perceive Germany as their home country. In contrast to interviews in previous years, labour is not the main motivation for migration to Germany, being replaced by the choice for the marriage partner.
About 45 per cent do plan to return to Turkey. However, most of the interviewees do not consider a return before the next 10 years. The highest rate (55%) of persons willing to return is among the 30-49 years old group. Most interviewees explain their will to return by the desire to live in their “home country”. Only 6 per cent gave labour as a reason for return. In fact about 40 per cent of the interviewees are not Turkish citizens. They possess the “mavi kart” a card for “Turkish foreigners” without Turkish citizenship. It facilitates the return formalities to Turkey in terms of re-integration in the labour market. Also, it entitles subjects to receive social transfers.
70 per cent of the younger interviewees perceive their German language skills better than their Turkish. Consequently, 31 per cent of the total number of interviewees, naming the older persons, perceives their Turkish language skills as clearly better than their German.
The overall attitudes towards Germany are positive. Germany is perceived as the “modern”, “trustable”, “accountable” and “tolerant” country with high standards related to social security.
Albeit the overwhelming majority is satisfied with the migration to Germany, 63 per cent of the interviewees feel regarded as Turks by Germans in Germany and as Germans in Turkey. They feel as strangers, no matter where they migrate to. 47 per cent of the interviewees do feel unwanted and not welcome in Germany. However, maintaining the Turkish culture is important to 95 per cent of the interviewees. 84 per cent believe being a German citizen and a good Muslim would not juxtapose each other. Hence 37 per cent of the interviewees perceive themselves as strongly religious and 44 per cent claim to pray at least once a day. The high amount of religiosity among young people has been a surprising aspect for the study. This seems to be a tendency for the next years. The reservation of older Turkish-German migrants towards religion could be explained by the patterns of Kemalism and the Turkish national identify.
Complete Study Liljeberg Research International