Muslims accuse the city of Vila of racism for not having a place to pray
25 July 2013
The Muslims of Vila accused yesterday the City Hall of aplying ‘racist’ policies against the Islamic collective for “ideological reasons” assured the president of the Islamic Community Ibiza-Maghreb, Redouan Elkharrim. The conflict arises because, according to Elkharrim, they have no sufficient conditions for prayer during the month of Ramadan. The representative of the Muslims said that once completed the period of Ramadan, he plans to meet with the mayor of Vila, Pilar Marí, and President of the Consell, Vicent Serra, and that “if necessary” he will go to Madrid. “There is no political will or anything. Here everyone would prefer that Muslims did not exist, “he said. In this period, the group has used the mosques of Ses Figueretes and the Navarra street to pray at the lack of a better place to do it all together.