Britain ‘giving in to sharia councils’ says Norway’s anti-immigration leader
In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, Siv Jensen, the 44-year-old leader of the Progress party who cites Baroness Thatcher as her inspiration, said: “What I have seen that the UK has done is to give in to the claims of sharia councils, and I don’t think we should give into that. In Norway we have one law, and that is the Norwegian law.” Miss Jensen, who is unmarried, said Britain was suffering the results of earlier mistakes in its immigration policy.
Christian Tybring-Gjedde, who leads the party in Oslo, speaks about a cultural war with Islam. “We can’t celebrate Christmas in school, we can’t sing Christmas Carols,” he told the Telegraph. “This is a small part of our culture, which is being washed away gradually, and it’s very painful. We gave them a home, and now it’s us who have to adapt to their culture.”