Florence: Jews, Christians and Muslims Rooted in Solidarity
On Wednesday, October 2 at 6PM in the Hall of Luca Giordano di Palazzo Medici Riccardi there will be a symposium with Sara Cividalli , Mohamed Bamoshmoosh, Piero Giunti, Tonio Dell’Olio and Mercedes Frias.
On Wednesday, October 2 in Florence , at 6PM, in the Hall of the Palazzo Medici Riccardi (Via Cavour 1 ) there will be held a dialogue between Jewish, Christian and Muslim perspectives; representatives will discuss the theme “Roots of solidarity between local participation and global citizenship.” Also participating is the President of the Provincial Council Piero Giunti, and at 6:30 pm the program will begin with discussion between Mohamed Bamoshmoosh (Islamic Community), Sara Cividalli (President of the Jewish Community); and Tonio Dell’Olio.
“This meeting” said the coordinator Marco Bontempi “is the third in a series that discusses Jewish, Christian and Muslim perspectives, seminars all focus on religious and secular roots of solidarity.”
The first meeting was held on 29 May, hosted by the Jewish Community, and the speakers were Professor Ugo De Siervo (former President of the Constitutional Court), who spoke on the theme “The constitutional roots of solidarity,” and Rav Joseph Levi (chief Rabbi of Florence) on “the Jewish roots of solidarity.”
The second meeting was held on the 17 June where Prof. Sergio Givone (University of Florence) spoke on “The cultural roots of solidarity” and Dr. Mohamed Bamoshmoosh (Islamic Community of Florence) also spoke on the same topic.