Islam: Tomorrow a New Mosque Opens in Siena
October 24, 2013
A new mosque will open in the province of Siena. Tomorrow, Friday October 25 at 11 am, the new headquarters of the Islamic cultural center of Colle di Val d’ Elsa will open its doors to all. The opening will be welcomed by the President of the Community of Muslims and the province of Siena, Feras Jebareen, Imam of the Islamic community of Florence and the President of Ucoii (Union of Islamic community of Italy), Izzeddin Elzir and the mayor of Colle di Val d’Elsa, Paul Brogden. Civil and religious authorities at the local, provincial and regional levels were invited to the opening day of the new headquarters.
The official opening of the new headquarters of the Islamic cultural center – the construction of which has sparked debates over the past ten years and in particular since its construction in 2006 – will also be the occasion to present the eight members of the Scientific Committee, appointed by the community and comprised of an equal number of Muslims and the local authority members.
The Committee will be tasked to propose, manage and coordinate the various initiatives housed within the center with a focus on inter-culturalism and reciprocal knowledge, in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding signed in December 2004 between the Association of Muslim community, Siena and its province and the town of Colle di Val d’ Elsa.
Libero Quotidiano.it: http://www.liberoquotidiano.it/news/1337844/Islam-domani-apre-nuova-moschea-in-provincia-di-Siena.html
AGI.it: http://www.agi.it/firenze/notizie/201310251219-cro-rt10100-islam_inaugurati_nel_senese_moschea_e_centro_culturale