Hesse plans to establish an early warning system for detection of radicalization
December 3, 2013
The State of Hesse aims to establish an early warning system to detect the radicalization of young Muslim men living in Germany. Minister of Interior Boris Rhein expressed his concern about the number of young Muslim men leaving Germany to join the civil war in Syria. German security authorities have registered 230 individuals flying out to join the “Jihad journey”.
According to security authorities, most men belong to the Salafi scene or have been addressed by Salafist activists. Most of the volunteers are said to be below the age of 25.
That said, the Minister of Hesse proposes a new helpline to advise friends and relatives of young radicalized men. The “Jihad early warning system” has been applied in several prevention projects related to radical right-wing extremism.
Spiegel Online: http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/hessen-plant-fruehwarnsystem-gegen-dschihad-trips-nach-syrien-a-936868.html