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“Mosques in Italy:” The Northern League and Muslims in confrontation

January 14, 2014


On Friday January 17th laws, rights and the overall distrust. The conference is titled “the Northern League and Young Muslims in confrontation” and will take place in Bologna. The Northern League will be represented by Umberto Bosco, board member of the Emilia party. Representing the Young Muslims will be Yassine Lafram, from Turin and of Moroccan origin.

Bosco promises that the event “will bring about a heated but civil debate between supposedly antipodal positions. The topic of the mosques is very controversial but little known, and the debate will not be a simple opportunity to reiterate the familiar opposition of the Northern League to their construction, but the opportunity to clarify and argue its position.”


Modena 2000: http://www.modena2000.it/2014/01/14/moschee-in-italia-lega-nord-e-musulmani-a-confronto-venerdi-a-bologna/

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