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“In Sassuolo I’d like a place of worship for all!” Initiative on Facebook

February 7, 2014


Osama Qasim, head of the Young Muslims, launched a Facebook initiative “A mosque in Sassuolo, why not?” The initiative started about a month ago, and relies on public support for an Islamic place of worship in Sassuolo. Each person who supports the cause takes a picture with a sign that says “In Sassuolo I’d like a place of worship for all.”


Bologna 2000: http://www.bologna2000.com/2014/02/07/nella-sassuolo-che-vorrei-un-luogo-di-culto-per-tutti-iniziativa-su-fb/

Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.687031574674949.1073741830.683720728339367&type=3.

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