Portugal in the sight of Spanish jihadists
June 08, 2014
Spain’s greatest experts on Jihadism, are unanimous: the Portuguese authorities have reasons for concern. “Portugal must be very alert to the movements of jihadists in the territory and for the radicalization within and outside its frontiers” warns Fernando Reinares, principal investigator of the International Terrorism Elcano Royal Institute in Madrid. The same opinion is shared by Oscar Perez Ventura, director of the Department of Analysis of Terrorism and Organized Crime adding: “These Iberian jihadists are considered very dangerous.”
Manuel Torres Soriano, University Professor and author of “Al Andalus, 2.0” emphasises “attention, that all these mentions of these groups to the recovery of Andalusia refer also to Portugal. The jihadists do not believe in national divisions, but in the existence of a unique Muslim community who embraces the entire peninsula.”