Repealing the Chatel Circular, campaign to allow veiled mothers on school trips
A group of signatories have called for a repeal of the Chatel Circular:
“We ask for the removal of the Chatel Circular, which prohibits veiled mothers from accompanying their children on school trips.
We ask for its removal because it is discriminatory, because it only targets Muslim women.
We ask for its removal because it discriminates against women.
We ask for its removal because it is traumatizing for children who do not understand why their mothers are less worthy and capable than other parents of accompanying school groups.
We ask for its removal because it teaches children that discrimination is ‘normal,’ that it applies to mothers in their class, or their classmates.
We ask for its removal because this ban contributes to excluding families who wish to become involved in schools.
We ask for its removal because it is part of a growing movement of discriminatory measures that threatens to spread from primary school to college, to the workplace, to different sectors of society, to those who practice other religions, to the ban of all political action in high schools.
To support these mothers’ fight to accompany their children on school field trips is to defend the freedom of all men and women.”
The Chatel Circular states: “Please be advised that in the rules the secular principles of teaching and neutrality of public services are entirely applicable to public educational institutions. In particular, these principles prevent parents of students or any other party, by their conduct or their words, from expressing their religious, political or philosophical beliefs when they accompany their students on outings and school trips.” Guidelines and instructions in preparation of the 2012 school year, n° 2012-056 du 27-3-2012.
First signatories:
Participation et spiritualité musulmanes (PSM), Collectif Féministes pour l’égalité (CFPE), Mamans Toutes Égales (MTE), Association pour la reconnaissance des droits et libertés aux femmes musulmanes (ARDLFM), Collectif des musulmans de France (CMF), Commission Islam et laïcité, Union juive française pour la paix (UJFP), Mouvement du christianisme social, Front uni des immigrations et des quartiers populaires (FUIQP), Parti des indigènes de la République (PIR), Collectif enseignant pour l’abrogation de la loi du 15 mars 2004 (CEAL), Collectif antifasciste Paris-Banlieue (CAPAB), Union des organisations islamiques de France (UOIF), Institut de recherche et d’études sur la Méditerranée et le Moyen-Orient (iReMMO), Cedetim/Ipam, ATTAC France, Front thématique antiracismes du Front de gauche, Nouveau Parti anticapitaliste (NPA), Ensemble, Sortir du colonialisme, Fondation Frantz Fanon, Collectif Stop le contrôle au faciès, Studio Praxis, Femmes plurielles, AFD International, International Jewish Antizionist Network (IJAN), Tayush (Belgique), Bruxelles Panthères.