Dutch Muslim Organization for Government Relations (CMO) urges mosques to devote Friday prayers to French attacks
The Dutch Muslim Organization for Government Relations (Contactorgaan Moslims en Overheid) has stated it is deeply chocked by the “barbaric and cowardly” attacks in Paris. It furthermore stated that it is a “crime against humanity and an attack on our democracy, peace, and freedom.” “Nothing can justify this atrocity. To prevent our societies from being undermined by these kinds of acts of terror is a major task for us all. The CMO condemns this barbaric attack. Our thoughts firstly go to the families and loved ones of the victims, and to the people of France,” the CMO stated.
The CMO has urged affiliated organizations and mosque boards to extensively devote time to the attacks in the coming days. The CMO has also urged her adherents to participate in various solidarity inititives such as peaceful manifestations in several cities. On important occasions, such as in the Friday sermon, imams will condemn the French attacks.