Bernard Cazeneuve’s call to Muslims against radical Islam
While attending the break-fast at the Grand Mosque of Paris, Bernard Cazeneuve called on Muslims to combat radical Islam, less than a week after the attack in Isere.
“The best fortification against terrorism is French Muslims themselves, and the Republic, with all of its abilities and Republican values,” declared the interior minister.
Addressing religious leaders, among which was rector of the mosque Dalil Boubakeur and the new president of the CFCM Anouar Kbibech. Cazeneuve said he “completely [understands] your indignation and horror when you know it is in the name of Islam, relying on misguided texts, that terrorists commit their atrocities.”
The minister of religion’s remarks followed: “It all comes back to you, French Muslims, religious authorities, because only you can [combat terrorism] with knowledge, continue to denounce the duplicity of such discourse, to critique their beliefs, to never leave room for radicalization and hate.”
Cazeneuve continued: “I want to applaud the efforts that you use in order to uphold an Islam of peace to enlightenment.”
Several minutes before, Boubakeur welcomed the minister, discussing the “war of civilization that threatens our country.”
“Rest assured that all French Muslims support your decisions and hope that order is restored to our places of worship, in our mosques, which likely to host radicals or suspects that threaten our security,” stated the rector.