Why the world’s biggest halal baby food brand is British: for aisha
Mark Salter launched the UK’s first halal baby food company, recognising “the power of the Muslim pound.”
Baby food brand for aisha broke into the market just a year ago. for aisha is now available in over 2000 multiple retail stores in the UK, including Tesco, ASDA, Morrisons and Boots. Here’s how founder Mark Salter grew his halal baby food business into a global phenomenon.
But what makes for aisha successful may be more than catering to a growing market of Muslim parents. Salter’s brand sources ethical ingredients and focuses on keeping sugar content down, making the baby food brand one of the healthiest in the market.
One year on, the company is turning over £80,000 per month and is on target to reach £1 million turnover by April 2017, catalysed by its popularity in fast-growth export markets in the Middle East and North Africa.
Considering that the global halal market is set to hit $1.6 trillion by 2018, Salter may have caught on to the next wave in healthy baby food.