Union of Muslim Associations ‘won’t participate’ in street prayer if banned

Interior Minister Gérard Collomb vowed that there “will not be prayers in the street” in Clichy-la-Garenne when the Union of Muslim Associations of Clichy-la-Garenne announced its intention to organize street prayers on November 24. It is protesting the closure of its place of worship, which occurred last march.

The association’s lawyer Arié Alimi stated that the organization “will not participate” in street prayer if the prefecture outlaws it.

Alimi stated that street prayer is “a protest” but not a “provocation.”

“When there is no place for 2,000 Muslims, where do you want them to pray? It is not a provocation but a declaration in good and due form. Today, prayer in the street is not prohibited. It conforms to the principle of laïcité unless the prefect prohibits the demonstration as a risk to public order. If the prefect decides to outlaw it, of course, we are Republicans, my clients are as well, and they will not participate in this demonstration,” he added.

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